Wednesday 21 December 2011

Please Be Safe And Sensible.

The festive season is almost here, finally!  It's that time when we all eat too much, and then drink and drink some more.  My message to you is this, leave the car at home.  I know that Cab fares take the you know what, especially around Christmas and New Year, but one drink really isn't worth it.  You want to get home safely, I want you to get home safely, and everyone else wants to get home safely.  If you are going to drink, then please don't drive.  It really isn't worth it.  Also take care when walking home whilst drunk.  Let's not have any unnecessary accidents along the way.  Have fun, be safe, and have a very Merry Christmas, and let's all make it safely to a Happy New Year.

Thursday 15 December 2011

What Is Going On?

Yesterday I walked past a shop and it had a sign in the window saying, 'January Sale Now On.'  Is it just me, or aren't January sales actually supposed to be in JANUARY.  Why not just put 'sale now on.'  It must be a real comfort to the people who've already done their christmas shopping, to know that everything they've already bought is now half price.  I certainly weren't amused.  What happened to good old-fashioned christmas spirit?  Have times become so bad, that we have to put ourselves in debt, just to make EVERYONE ELSE happy?  What happened to, 'it's the thought that counts.'  These days it seems that it only counts if you thought of buying them an iphone, or something else pointlessly expensive.  Now the shops are moving their sales to before christmas, just to make us spend that little bit more.  I think that it's time we had a little bit more tradition, and a little less commercialism.  It's also about time that someone reminded the retail industry that they didn't invent christmas, and it's not there just for them to make huge profits.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Way To Immortality.

So the doctors have come up with four ways we can reduce the risk of getting most cancers.
Stop smoking.  I have never been a smoker anyway, so that wasn't very difficult.
Reduce the amount of alcohol that you drink.  I hardly touch the stuff these days, so not much to really do on that one.
Eat healthier.  Apart from the occasional take-away, I eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg, so not much to worry about there.  I do have a bit of a sweet tooth, so might need to cut down a bit on the baking.
Get more exercise.  I usually walk everywhere anyway, and they do say that walking is good for you, so I'll leave it at that.  I might be a little bit squidgy around the middle, but I'm still in fairly good health.
Well, it looks as though my chances of getting most types of cancer are fairly small.  I'm pretty sure that I can avoid getting most other serious illness too.  All I need to do now, is learn to look both ways before I cross the road, and I could potentially live forever!

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Christmas Is In DECEMBER.

Have you, or your neighbours, put decorations up already?  What was the point of doing it a month early?  The tradition is supposed to be; up 12 days before, down 12 days after. 

 Christmas is supposed to be a religious event, not an excuse to go on a month-long bender.  No wonder members of other 'religions' are lauging at us, when some people take one of the most sacred events in Christianity, and turn it into a joke.

Monday 21 November 2011

What Happened To The 'REAL' Musicians?

Why is just about everyone bringing out an album these days?  No one is even writing songs anymore, it is all just cover versions.  Next time you're in HMV, take a look at the music on the shelves.  I guarantee that you will find about ten versions of the same song, sung by ten different people!  And what's with all the actors bringing out albums?  When I first saw Hugh Laurie's album on the shelf I had to look twice, thinking I was seeing things.  Then this morning, I went into HMV, and Twiggy has an album out!  Why?  This evening I was flicking through the channels, and I saw the monstrosity that was Jedward 'performing' on something or other.  The 'Real' musicians out there, (you know the ones that actually write the songs,) need to put themselves forward a bit more, before we are overrun by novelty acts, or have a top 40 with 40 different versions of Unchained Melody.  The time has come to say Goodbye Simon Cowell.

Friday 11 November 2011

Is Money Talking Too Loudly?

It seems that money really can buy you anything.  Even death apparently.  So if you pay thousands of pounds a week for a private doctor, he will give you everything you ask for, even if he knows that it will kill you.  Surely basic simple medical ethics has to come in here somewhere.  How can it be right to give someone very strong, and illegal drugs, just because they're paying for it.  If you're a doctor, and you know that it is going to do more harm than good, then DON'T do it.  What's the worst that can happen?  You have to go find yourself another client.  Maybe the death of Michael Jackson will help to do some good.  It is about time that these doctors realise, that the value of human life, must always be put BEFORE the money that is thrown at them.  How many other lives could have been saved, if their doctors had just said no? 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Can Food Make You Happy?

Yes It Can!  Spending hours in the kitchen cooking and baking (especially baking) can make you very happy indeed.  There is nothing more satisfying than preparing a meal, or baking a cake, then sharing it with others.  When you sit down and eat something that you have made, and it tastes good, and every one else likes it too, then that is one of the best feelings in the world.  Knowing that you have created something that can be enjoyed with others, gives you an immense feeling of pride.  Being in the kitchen creating, and then sharing that creation, can give you a nice warm feeling inside.  It is a feeling of accomplishment.  You don't get that from opening a box and putting it in the microwave.  Everyone should take the time to cook a REAL meal.  It might be hard work, but the results speak for themselves.  (Preferably not with a full mouth, because that is rude, and disgusting.)

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Whose Cause Are They Really Fighting?

Do Activists cause more problems than they solve?  It seems that every time there is some sort of political debate, these people feel the need to set up camp.  Even after the Travellers had finally given up and left Dale Farm, the Activists were still fighting on.  What were they fighting for?  Most of them probably didn't even care about them, they just wanted to get noticed.  As soon as the news cameras arrive, they are there.  It doesn't really matter what they are protesting for, or against, they just want to be seen on tv.  Every time I turn on the news at the moment, they have pictures of St. Pauls Cathedral looking more like Butlins than a Church.  Are these people the real nuisance to our society?  They protest against everything from tax increases to the quality of school dinners.  Nothing has ever been solved by placing a tent on the doorstep of Parliament.  The cost of removing and clearing up after these people, only adds to further problems.  Next thing you know, we will have Activists protesting against the Activists!  Enough is enough.  The day of the Hippy is OVER.  It's sad, but true.  We now live in a democratic society, where mob rule will NOT change laws.  The day of the unwashed slacker is OVER.  They will just have to face up to the fact, that you can't change the law by breaking it.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Is Christmas Too Comercialized?

Are we spending too much money at Christmas?  Do we even remember what we are celebrating it for?  The shops put out their Christmas displays in August, and immediately we start spending money we don't have.  For most people, Christmas is about having a good excuse to get drunk at breakfast time, then spending the evening trying to sober up for the Boxing Day Sales.  People complain about the rise in energy prices, then put their decorations up in NOVEMBER, just so they can have two months of the year, with their house being visable from space.  Christmas has now become a season of Vanity, which I should remind you, is a SIN.  Do we even remember what we are SUPPOSED to be celebrating.  It is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of JESUS CHRIST.  For those of you who don't know, he was the one who lived and died to take away our sins.  It is supposed to be a day for remembrance, forgiveness, reflection and hope.  Why put yourselves in debt, if you don't even believe in CHRIST.  Forget about the expensive gifts, and the competition with the neighbours, and just keep it simple.  Christmas should be about family, friendship and love.  A simple gift from the heart, is worth much more than an expensive price tag.  Christmas is a celebration, but we need to remember, whose birthday it is.

Friday 14 October 2011

There Is No Darkness But Ignorance.

My favourite quote, on my favourite statue, tucked away in a corner of my favourite city.
"There is no darkness but ignorance."  What does that mean?  That if we walk through life, ignorant of the world around us, then we deserve to be kept in the dark.  When we open up our eyes to the ways of the world, and see it for what it is, then the darkness is lifted and all becomes clear.  If you know what you want from this life, but don't know how to get there, then you will find yourself stumbling around alone in the dark.  Seek the knowledge that you require, and become wise to the path infront of you.  If you lift up the black veil of ignorance, your path will become clear, and the light will shine upon you, and guide you on your way.  Knowledge is power.  Ignorance is failure.  Which path will you choose?

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Money Is NOT Everything.

When are people going to realise that money does NOT make the world go round?  There are people out there claiming to be living in poverty, with a satellite dish stuck to the side of the house!  Do these people even know what that word means?  People these days seem to be fixated on material possessions. They dream of being Musicians, just so they can have the money to buy whatever they like.  Sure that would be nice.  Comfort and security is nice.  No amount of money can buy you happiness.  There are people in this world, who would be more than grateful for the things we take for granted.  They don't have Blackberry Phones, they don't have Ipods, they don't have new trainers, and they don't have food or clean water.  Even right here in our own country, there are people starving.  Christmas is rapidly approaching, have you already written out your lists?  Will you sulk when you don't get what you wanted?  Just spare a thought, for the people who won't even have the scraps of food you'll throw away.  It doesn't matter how much money you do or don't have.  Life is about making the best of what you DO have.  The poorest people, are the most generous of heart.  They have the one thing that money can't buy.  Love for each other.

Friday 7 October 2011

Are Bus Fares Actually Fair?

It now costs me £2.60 just for a bus into town.  As if the price wasn't high enough, I then find myself standing up the whole way there.  Every bus has that little sign on it, the one that says, 'Please remain seated until the bus has stopped.'  What about the people who weren't seated in the first place?  Or does their safety not really matter?  When you pay full fare to travel on the bus, the least you can expect is to sit on a seat.  If we have to travel on over-crowded buses, in un-safe conditions, the least we can expect is some sort of compensation.  They should introduce some sort of voucher scheme, where if you pay full price for a bus ticket, and then have to stand for most or all of your journey, then they should issue a voucher which entitles you to a free journey next time.  Or, they should offer a reduced price to those who are expected to stand.  When so many travel for free these days, why should the rest of us foot the bill, when we're the ones expected to stand.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

When Did We Stop Listening To Our Mothers?

Remember when you were young, and you used to listen to everything your mother told you.  The days when you listened to every little piece of advice, and every word she said was Gospel.  When did we stop doing that?  For example:
As a child we were told: "Never speak to strangers."
As an adult:  We have conversations in the street with people we've never seen before in our lives.
As a child we were told:  "Never take sweets from strangers."
As an adult: We'll take any sample food on offer just because it's there, and it's free.
As a child we're told:  "Never play with fire."
As an adult:  We'll find any excuse to light the barbecue.
As a child we're told:  "Respect your elders."
As an adult:  Once you get to a certain age, you don't show any respect for anyone.
These are just some examples, of the good advice we ignore as we get older.  Is it that we now think we know better?  Or is it because nothing bad happened to us as children, and now we just assume that it never will.

Monday 3 October 2011

Climate Change Is NOT A Myth!

Heatwaves in October, with rumours of Snow in the very same month!  When are we going to realise, that Climate Change is a very serious problem.  The weather can no longer be predicted by the season.  How long before we are seeing Snow Blizzards, the type that lasts for weeks, if not months on end, and temperatures plummeting to -30, or worse.  What if there comes a time, when our country is torn apart by Killer Tornadoes?  You might be enjoying the sun now, but what about when temperatures sour to 40, 50, higher still, and we are thrown into famine and drought, and people are dying from the heat.  WILL YOU STILL BE ENJOYING THE WEATHER THEN?

Sunday 2 October 2011

Paint The Town Red (With Chunks Of Carrot).

Who has walked through town early on a Saturday or Sunday morning?  Have you seen the remnants of the night before?  Bottles and cans, the former containers of cheap beer, lying scattered across the streets.  On every corner is a half-eaten Kebab, closely followed by a puddle of sick.  In whose mind is it fun, to drink so much that you can't keep it down?  Do these people actually enjoy throwing up?  Is life so boring, that you have to entertain yourselves in this way?  Spare a thought for the rest of us, who really don't want to see, the evidence that you had a good night last night.  Perhaps they should include on the spot fines for those that puke in the street, as compensation for the poor sod that has to clear it up.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Life Is A Bed Of Roses.

Who thinks that their life sucks?  Do you wish that it could be better?  I have one thing to say to you, and that is that Life is a Bed of Roses.  Every so often, you are going to get a Thorn.  What you do with that Thorn is up to you.  You can leave it in, and let it go septic, getting gradually worse until all hope is lost.  Or, you can pull it out, and do whatever it takes to heal the wound.  Bad things happen to us all, but it is how we deal with it that counts.  Take the rough with the smooth, and make the most of the life that you have.  There are no second chances in This Life.  Before you go to sleep tonight, ask yourself one question, 'If I don't wake up tomorrow, did I make the most of today?'  If you answered yes, then your life has not been in vain.  If you answered no, then maybe it's time to re-think your goals.  Make every day count.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance.

Why are all the Trolls laying into Winona, just because she made a mistake TEN YEARS AGO!  It happened, and she paid for it.  How many other shoplifters have been dragged through court amidst a media circus?  It happened, it's over, and now it's time to move on.  Plenty of other people have been caught doing worse, ie: drink driving.  Winona has had a tough life, and we're ALL entitled to make a mistake, no matter how big it was.  We're all entitled to FORGIVENESS.  I for one have been a life-long fan, and that is not about to change any time soon.  So let's move on from the past, and let her live her life in peace.  Watch the little video that I made, and remind yourselves of who she really is.  Just remember, 'He without sin, casts the first stone.'

Sunday 25 September 2011

What is the point of Trolling?

Anyone who has ever been on a networking site, or message board, has come across at least one Troll at some time or another.  The question that really bugs me is, 'What is the point?'  Why do these people feel the need to post offensive comments, especially about people that they don't even know.  What are these so called people trying to achieve?  Are their lives so empty, that they have to incite anger and hate in order to get themselves noticed.  DO NOT RESPOND TO THESE PEOPLE.  Just report and ignore.  They obviously lead very lonely lives, and have enemies where most people have friends.  DO NOT waste your time arguing with Trolls.  If they start a negative argument, respond with a positive one.  The world would be a much better place, if we could all learn to spread love and not hate.

Friday 23 September 2011

The book that changed my life.

A short while ago I read a book that changed my life.  Karla Faye Tucker: Set Free by Linda Strom.  This book affected me in a lot of ways and it is a story that many Christians are familiar with.  I would highly recommend it to anyone who feels that their life is worthless.  The story of Karla's life has taught me, that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope for something good.  A short while after reading the book, I found this video on YouTube.  I found this song to be uplifting and inspiring, and so now I wish to share it with you, in the hope that it will help to enrich your lives, just as Karla's story has done for mine.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Youth In Revolt.

Who is to blame for the youth of today.  Many young people have less morals than they do manners, and even some of them are non-existant.  They go around in large, noisy gangs, only taking a break from binge-drinking whilst they riot through city centres.  So who is to blame?  Is it the schools with their lack of discipline?  Many teachers are too afraid of the consequences to take proper control of the classroom.  Do we blame the parents?  One of the problems that we have in society today, is that many of them are just children themselves, who have no idea of the example that they are setting.  There are still some good young people out there.  They do well in school and show respect for others.  Unfortunately, there are just too few of them.  Young people have to realise that the world is not handed out to you on a plate.  If you want something in this life, then you have to work for it, and that includes RESPECT.  Too many people have gotten used to living on hand-outs.  Someone needs to remind them of the true value of life.  Love and Friendship far outweighs the material things.  Life isn't about owning the newest and best of everything.  It's what you make of yourself as a person that counts.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

There's No Place Like London.

We all have a place to go to when we run and hide from the world.  For me, that place is London.  There is nothing better, than strutting down cobbled streets, dodging tourists reading maps.  My favourite place is the view from Blackfriars Bridge.

There is nothing more satisfying, than looking out over the Thames, and taking in the skyline of this glorious city.  When the sun is shining upon the water, there is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Has Science really destroyed God?

Why does the Human Race insist on trying to disprove the existence of God?  First there was Darwin, and his theories of evolution.  Then the scientists in Geneva who were trying to re-create The Big Bang.  Why are we so focused on the how, and not the why?  Why is no one trying to figure out WHY we are here, instead of HOW we got here?  When are we going to realise, that the Universe and everything in it, is just one big science experiment.  And guess who the Scientist is!

Thursday 15 September 2011

The Right To A Quiet Cuppa.

There is nothing more satisfying, than sitting down to a Cappuccino in a nice quiet cafe.  One of the few simple pleasures that I have in this life, is enjoying a good book over a decent cup of coffee.  That is until I am disturbed by a flying chip, or the noise from someone else's Ipod.  If I wanted to sit in a chaotic atmosphere, then I would have gone to McDonalds.  Why is there such a lack of respect amongst young people these days?  Everyone has the right to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet.  When you pay nearly £3 for a cup of coffee, at one of these fancy coffee shops that keep popping up everywhere, then you expect to be able to enjoy it in a relaxed atmosphere.  The last thing you need, is someone else's little darlings running around, crashing into tables and spilling half of it.  Either keep them calm and under control, or keep them in McDonalds where they belong.  Let the rest of us enjoy our cuppa, in the peace and quiet that we came in for.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Political Correctness.

Does anyone else prefer the world how it was before everything went Politically Correct?  Those days when you called a spade a spade, and everyone knew exactly what you meant.  Whose idea was it to change that?  How many people were actually offended by words that are now considered taboo?  It is not discrimination that causes offence, just pure ignorance.  Most people have the intellegence to know when someone is being disrespectful, or if they are simply just ignorant.  Life is complicated enough, without politicians with good intentions but small brains, trying to tell us what THEY think is right or wrong.  Why not let people decide for themselves?  If someone doesn't like what you call them, then they will tell you that.  What might sound offensive to one person, may seem acceptable to someone else, or vice versa.  In a world of free speech, when did we lose the right to think for ourselves?