Tuesday 27 September 2011

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance.

Why are all the Trolls laying into Winona, just because she made a mistake TEN YEARS AGO!  It happened, and she paid for it.  How many other shoplifters have been dragged through court amidst a media circus?  It happened, it's over, and now it's time to move on.  Plenty of other people have been caught doing worse, ie: drink driving.  Winona has had a tough life, and we're ALL entitled to make a mistake, no matter how big it was.  We're all entitled to FORGIVENESS.  I for one have been a life-long fan, and that is not about to change any time soon.  So let's move on from the past, and let her live her life in peace.  Watch the little video that I made, and remind yourselves of who she really is.  Just remember, 'He without sin, casts the first stone.'

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