Wednesday 12 October 2011

Money Is NOT Everything.

When are people going to realise that money does NOT make the world go round?  There are people out there claiming to be living in poverty, with a satellite dish stuck to the side of the house!  Do these people even know what that word means?  People these days seem to be fixated on material possessions. They dream of being Musicians, just so they can have the money to buy whatever they like.  Sure that would be nice.  Comfort and security is nice.  No amount of money can buy you happiness.  There are people in this world, who would be more than grateful for the things we take for granted.  They don't have Blackberry Phones, they don't have Ipods, they don't have new trainers, and they don't have food or clean water.  Even right here in our own country, there are people starving.  Christmas is rapidly approaching, have you already written out your lists?  Will you sulk when you don't get what you wanted?  Just spare a thought, for the people who won't even have the scraps of food you'll throw away.  It doesn't matter how much money you do or don't have.  Life is about making the best of what you DO have.  The poorest people, are the most generous of heart.  They have the one thing that money can't buy.  Love for each other.

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