Wednesday 19 October 2011

Is Christmas Too Comercialized?

Are we spending too much money at Christmas?  Do we even remember what we are celebrating it for?  The shops put out their Christmas displays in August, and immediately we start spending money we don't have.  For most people, Christmas is about having a good excuse to get drunk at breakfast time, then spending the evening trying to sober up for the Boxing Day Sales.  People complain about the rise in energy prices, then put their decorations up in NOVEMBER, just so they can have two months of the year, with their house being visable from space.  Christmas has now become a season of Vanity, which I should remind you, is a SIN.  Do we even remember what we are SUPPOSED to be celebrating.  It is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of JESUS CHRIST.  For those of you who don't know, he was the one who lived and died to take away our sins.  It is supposed to be a day for remembrance, forgiveness, reflection and hope.  Why put yourselves in debt, if you don't even believe in CHRIST.  Forget about the expensive gifts, and the competition with the neighbours, and just keep it simple.  Christmas should be about family, friendship and love.  A simple gift from the heart, is worth much more than an expensive price tag.  Christmas is a celebration, but we need to remember, whose birthday it is.

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