Tuesday 28 February 2012

Irony, or Coincidence?

On 15th April 2012 it will be the 100th anniversary since the Titanic sank.

One of the biggest sea disasters in British history, that will forever be remembered as a tragic and unnecessary loss of lives.  (As well as Leonardo DiCaprio's blue face disappearing beneath the waves.)  As we are fast approaching this landmark anniversary, is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the news has been filled with stories of cruise ship disasters?  First there was the Costa Concordia which sank with the loss of lives.

Now we are hearing about one of its sister ships, the Costa Allegra, that is being towed to port after a fire.

Those are only the recent ones.  There have been various other disasters over the last few years.  It would seem that even now, 100 years after the Titanic tragedy, lessons have still not been learnt.  It would seem that we are still putting luxury over safety.  Is it just me, or is anyone else worried that they are building bigger, heavier aeroplanes?  They have already more than proved that big ships have a habit of sinking.  How long before their Uber Planes start falling from the sky?

Thursday 23 February 2012

Purple Shame.

I am not ashamed to admit that I love reading Alan Dee's column in The Herald & Post.  There have been some weeks that I haven't agreed with his views but this week, I think that he might have been on to something.    Why not paint the faces of binge-drinkers bright purple.  That way we can all point and laugh at them in the street and make them feel like the idiots that they are.  He is also right that the self-controlled drinker should not have to suffer, just because some people don't know when to stop.  I personally think that the purple face painting thing should definitely be considered.  Maybe they could even include a green option for those that vomit in the street whilst drunk.  If these people want to act like clowns, then why not make them look the part.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Just Harmless Fun?

What is it about Snow that makes people go crazy?  It turns perfectly normal young people into thugs and vandals.  You can't walk down the street without seeing someone being pelted with a snowball from behind a wall.  Then there is the traffic issue.  If driving along icy roads wasn't dangerous enough, you also have to contend with little white missiles being thrown from all angles.  I myself was on a bus just a few days ago, that was hit by at least twenty snowballs all at once.  They were hitting the side of the bus and the windows, all within a few seconds of each other.  It was like driving through a war zone.  I can only guess what the poor driver must have been thinking.  It is only a matter of time before this so called 'harmless fun' causes a serious accident.  Today they might just be throwing snowballs but tomorrow it could be concrete from the top of a motorway bridge.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, young people these days are out of control.  Teachers blame the parents and vice versa, therefore nobody is stepping in and taking control of the situation.  The real question is; Where is it all going to end?