Tuesday 31 January 2012

Money For Nothing.

Wouldn't it be great to go to work, but still get paid for doing nothing.  To just stand around talking with your friends, and then get paid for it at the end of the week.  My advice to you, would be to go and work in a cheap shoe shop.  That is the way they seem to operate.  I went into one today, looking for a pair of cheap shoes for work.  I picked up a pair and went over to the counter.  Then I stood there and waited.  FIVE members of staff stood in a group behind me, just casually carrying on their conversation.  They seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact they were supposed to be running a shop.  I waited a little longer, before giving up, leaving the shoes sitting on the counter.  Is it any wonder that so many of these shops are closing down.  They would make a lot more money, if they actually bothered to SERVE THEIR CUSTOMERS.

Monday 16 January 2012

Who Invented The Automated Account Checker?

Who was it, that thought it would be a good idea to let a computer decide how a human spends their money?  Millions of pounds goes missing through fraud every year, and the computer thinks that this is normal.  But, if a person decides that they want to order a new adapter for their laptop, the computer thinks that this is strange, and blocks their account.  This then leads to a frustrating telephone call, answering pointless so called security questions, just to regain access to your own money.  Suddenly spending hundreds or thousands of pounds on luxury items would be abnormal.  Spending a few pounds on an everyday item is not.  How does the computer know when things break down?  If it was that smart, it would already know that my laptop was in need of some attention.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Call This Justice?

So, two of the killers of Stephen Lawrence have finally been brought to 'justice'.  What sentence did they get, fifteen years one and fourteen years the other.  The victims family had to wait longer than that to see justice done.  What about the others that were involved?  How much longer until they get found out?  And what meagre sentence will they face?  What have they all been doing for the last eighteen years?  If they had any remorse, then they would have given themselves up a long time ago.  For eighteen years they carried on as normal, living out their lives, and all the time knowing that they were guilty of taking an innocent life.  How did they manage to sleep at night, with the guilt of what they had done?  Or was it their lack of guilt, that is the real tragedy in this case.  At least Stephen Lawrence's family can rest easier, knowing that at least two of those responsible for his death, are getting away with it no more.  It is just a shame that they had to wait so long to see it happen.