Wednesday 21 December 2011

Please Be Safe And Sensible.

The festive season is almost here, finally!  It's that time when we all eat too much, and then drink and drink some more.  My message to you is this, leave the car at home.  I know that Cab fares take the you know what, especially around Christmas and New Year, but one drink really isn't worth it.  You want to get home safely, I want you to get home safely, and everyone else wants to get home safely.  If you are going to drink, then please don't drive.  It really isn't worth it.  Also take care when walking home whilst drunk.  Let's not have any unnecessary accidents along the way.  Have fun, be safe, and have a very Merry Christmas, and let's all make it safely to a Happy New Year.

Thursday 15 December 2011

What Is Going On?

Yesterday I walked past a shop and it had a sign in the window saying, 'January Sale Now On.'  Is it just me, or aren't January sales actually supposed to be in JANUARY.  Why not just put 'sale now on.'  It must be a real comfort to the people who've already done their christmas shopping, to know that everything they've already bought is now half price.  I certainly weren't amused.  What happened to good old-fashioned christmas spirit?  Have times become so bad, that we have to put ourselves in debt, just to make EVERYONE ELSE happy?  What happened to, 'it's the thought that counts.'  These days it seems that it only counts if you thought of buying them an iphone, or something else pointlessly expensive.  Now the shops are moving their sales to before christmas, just to make us spend that little bit more.  I think that it's time we had a little bit more tradition, and a little less commercialism.  It's also about time that someone reminded the retail industry that they didn't invent christmas, and it's not there just for them to make huge profits.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Way To Immortality.

So the doctors have come up with four ways we can reduce the risk of getting most cancers.
Stop smoking.  I have never been a smoker anyway, so that wasn't very difficult.
Reduce the amount of alcohol that you drink.  I hardly touch the stuff these days, so not much to really do on that one.
Eat healthier.  Apart from the occasional take-away, I eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg, so not much to worry about there.  I do have a bit of a sweet tooth, so might need to cut down a bit on the baking.
Get more exercise.  I usually walk everywhere anyway, and they do say that walking is good for you, so I'll leave it at that.  I might be a little bit squidgy around the middle, but I'm still in fairly good health.
Well, it looks as though my chances of getting most types of cancer are fairly small.  I'm pretty sure that I can avoid getting most other serious illness too.  All I need to do now, is learn to look both ways before I cross the road, and I could potentially live forever!