Wednesday 30 November 2011

Christmas Is In DECEMBER.

Have you, or your neighbours, put decorations up already?  What was the point of doing it a month early?  The tradition is supposed to be; up 12 days before, down 12 days after. 

 Christmas is supposed to be a religious event, not an excuse to go on a month-long bender.  No wonder members of other 'religions' are lauging at us, when some people take one of the most sacred events in Christianity, and turn it into a joke.

Monday 21 November 2011

What Happened To The 'REAL' Musicians?

Why is just about everyone bringing out an album these days?  No one is even writing songs anymore, it is all just cover versions.  Next time you're in HMV, take a look at the music on the shelves.  I guarantee that you will find about ten versions of the same song, sung by ten different people!  And what's with all the actors bringing out albums?  When I first saw Hugh Laurie's album on the shelf I had to look twice, thinking I was seeing things.  Then this morning, I went into HMV, and Twiggy has an album out!  Why?  This evening I was flicking through the channels, and I saw the monstrosity that was Jedward 'performing' on something or other.  The 'Real' musicians out there, (you know the ones that actually write the songs,) need to put themselves forward a bit more, before we are overrun by novelty acts, or have a top 40 with 40 different versions of Unchained Melody.  The time has come to say Goodbye Simon Cowell.

Friday 11 November 2011

Is Money Talking Too Loudly?

It seems that money really can buy you anything.  Even death apparently.  So if you pay thousands of pounds a week for a private doctor, he will give you everything you ask for, even if he knows that it will kill you.  Surely basic simple medical ethics has to come in here somewhere.  How can it be right to give someone very strong, and illegal drugs, just because they're paying for it.  If you're a doctor, and you know that it is going to do more harm than good, then DON'T do it.  What's the worst that can happen?  You have to go find yourself another client.  Maybe the death of Michael Jackson will help to do some good.  It is about time that these doctors realise, that the value of human life, must always be put BEFORE the money that is thrown at them.  How many other lives could have been saved, if their doctors had just said no? 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Can Food Make You Happy?

Yes It Can!  Spending hours in the kitchen cooking and baking (especially baking) can make you very happy indeed.  There is nothing more satisfying than preparing a meal, or baking a cake, then sharing it with others.  When you sit down and eat something that you have made, and it tastes good, and every one else likes it too, then that is one of the best feelings in the world.  Knowing that you have created something that can be enjoyed with others, gives you an immense feeling of pride.  Being in the kitchen creating, and then sharing that creation, can give you a nice warm feeling inside.  It is a feeling of accomplishment.  You don't get that from opening a box and putting it in the microwave.  Everyone should take the time to cook a REAL meal.  It might be hard work, but the results speak for themselves.  (Preferably not with a full mouth, because that is rude, and disgusting.)