Wednesday 28 September 2011

Life Is A Bed Of Roses.

Who thinks that their life sucks?  Do you wish that it could be better?  I have one thing to say to you, and that is that Life is a Bed of Roses.  Every so often, you are going to get a Thorn.  What you do with that Thorn is up to you.  You can leave it in, and let it go septic, getting gradually worse until all hope is lost.  Or, you can pull it out, and do whatever it takes to heal the wound.  Bad things happen to us all, but it is how we deal with it that counts.  Take the rough with the smooth, and make the most of the life that you have.  There are no second chances in This Life.  Before you go to sleep tonight, ask yourself one question, 'If I don't wake up tomorrow, did I make the most of today?'  If you answered yes, then your life has not been in vain.  If you answered no, then maybe it's time to re-think your goals.  Make every day count.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Everyone Deserves A Second Chance.

Why are all the Trolls laying into Winona, just because she made a mistake TEN YEARS AGO!  It happened, and she paid for it.  How many other shoplifters have been dragged through court amidst a media circus?  It happened, it's over, and now it's time to move on.  Plenty of other people have been caught doing worse, ie: drink driving.  Winona has had a tough life, and we're ALL entitled to make a mistake, no matter how big it was.  We're all entitled to FORGIVENESS.  I for one have been a life-long fan, and that is not about to change any time soon.  So let's move on from the past, and let her live her life in peace.  Watch the little video that I made, and remind yourselves of who she really is.  Just remember, 'He without sin, casts the first stone.'

Sunday 25 September 2011

What is the point of Trolling?

Anyone who has ever been on a networking site, or message board, has come across at least one Troll at some time or another.  The question that really bugs me is, 'What is the point?'  Why do these people feel the need to post offensive comments, especially about people that they don't even know.  What are these so called people trying to achieve?  Are their lives so empty, that they have to incite anger and hate in order to get themselves noticed.  DO NOT RESPOND TO THESE PEOPLE.  Just report and ignore.  They obviously lead very lonely lives, and have enemies where most people have friends.  DO NOT waste your time arguing with Trolls.  If they start a negative argument, respond with a positive one.  The world would be a much better place, if we could all learn to spread love and not hate.

Friday 23 September 2011

The book that changed my life.

A short while ago I read a book that changed my life.  Karla Faye Tucker: Set Free by Linda Strom.  This book affected me in a lot of ways and it is a story that many Christians are familiar with.  I would highly recommend it to anyone who feels that their life is worthless.  The story of Karla's life has taught me, that no matter how bad things may seem, there is always hope for something good.  A short while after reading the book, I found this video on YouTube.  I found this song to be uplifting and inspiring, and so now I wish to share it with you, in the hope that it will help to enrich your lives, just as Karla's story has done for mine.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Youth In Revolt.

Who is to blame for the youth of today.  Many young people have less morals than they do manners, and even some of them are non-existant.  They go around in large, noisy gangs, only taking a break from binge-drinking whilst they riot through city centres.  So who is to blame?  Is it the schools with their lack of discipline?  Many teachers are too afraid of the consequences to take proper control of the classroom.  Do we blame the parents?  One of the problems that we have in society today, is that many of them are just children themselves, who have no idea of the example that they are setting.  There are still some good young people out there.  They do well in school and show respect for others.  Unfortunately, there are just too few of them.  Young people have to realise that the world is not handed out to you on a plate.  If you want something in this life, then you have to work for it, and that includes RESPECT.  Too many people have gotten used to living on hand-outs.  Someone needs to remind them of the true value of life.  Love and Friendship far outweighs the material things.  Life isn't about owning the newest and best of everything.  It's what you make of yourself as a person that counts.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

There's No Place Like London.

We all have a place to go to when we run and hide from the world.  For me, that place is London.  There is nothing better, than strutting down cobbled streets, dodging tourists reading maps.  My favourite place is the view from Blackfriars Bridge.

There is nothing more satisfying, than looking out over the Thames, and taking in the skyline of this glorious city.  When the sun is shining upon the water, there is nowhere else in the world that I would rather be.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Has Science really destroyed God?

Why does the Human Race insist on trying to disprove the existence of God?  First there was Darwin, and his theories of evolution.  Then the scientists in Geneva who were trying to re-create The Big Bang.  Why are we so focused on the how, and not the why?  Why is no one trying to figure out WHY we are here, instead of HOW we got here?  When are we going to realise, that the Universe and everything in it, is just one big science experiment.  And guess who the Scientist is!

Thursday 15 September 2011

The Right To A Quiet Cuppa.

There is nothing more satisfying, than sitting down to a Cappuccino in a nice quiet cafe.  One of the few simple pleasures that I have in this life, is enjoying a good book over a decent cup of coffee.  That is until I am disturbed by a flying chip, or the noise from someone else's Ipod.  If I wanted to sit in a chaotic atmosphere, then I would have gone to McDonalds.  Why is there such a lack of respect amongst young people these days?  Everyone has the right to enjoy a bit of peace and quiet.  When you pay nearly £3 for a cup of coffee, at one of these fancy coffee shops that keep popping up everywhere, then you expect to be able to enjoy it in a relaxed atmosphere.  The last thing you need, is someone else's little darlings running around, crashing into tables and spilling half of it.  Either keep them calm and under control, or keep them in McDonalds where they belong.  Let the rest of us enjoy our cuppa, in the peace and quiet that we came in for.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Political Correctness.

Does anyone else prefer the world how it was before everything went Politically Correct?  Those days when you called a spade a spade, and everyone knew exactly what you meant.  Whose idea was it to change that?  How many people were actually offended by words that are now considered taboo?  It is not discrimination that causes offence, just pure ignorance.  Most people have the intellegence to know when someone is being disrespectful, or if they are simply just ignorant.  Life is complicated enough, without politicians with good intentions but small brains, trying to tell us what THEY think is right or wrong.  Why not let people decide for themselves?  If someone doesn't like what you call them, then they will tell you that.  What might sound offensive to one person, may seem acceptable to someone else, or vice versa.  In a world of free speech, when did we lose the right to think for ourselves?