Tuesday 21 August 2012

How Times Have Changed.

Today I visited the Olympic Swimming Exhibition at The Centre MK and I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed.  Not that it wasn't a good display, I just wasn't as impressed as I was expecting to be.  What did interest me though, was the facts that they gave about how attitudes to women and swimming have changed over the years.  It wasn't until Victorian times that women were even allowed to learn to swim.  The costumes that they wear have also undergone some dramatic changes.
Victorian Swimming Costume.

During the Victorian Era, women had to wear bathing costumes that had them completely covered from head to toe.  No skin was allowed to be shown.  It is a wonder that they learnt to swim at all considering how heavy they must have got when wet.

Annette Kellerman

In 1907, Annette Kellerman from Australia was arrested for indecent exposure whilst on a visit to the United States.  She had been wearing a swimming costume that showed her arms, legs and neck.  Kellerman changed the suit to become less revealing of skin but still showed  off her shape underneath.  She then went on to market her own line of bathing suits that were considered to be offensive under 1920's censorship.

Now we have Bikinis and even Monokinis that leave almost nothing to the imagination and are all perfectly legal in most countries.  It would seem that over the years, women haven't just been granted the freedom of swimming but also the right to wear what they like whilst doing so.  The Victorians may have wanted us to cover up but it would seem that we would much rather follow in the ways of the Ancient Romans who swam in the nude.

Friday 10 August 2012

The Seven Deadly Sins of the World.

Is it just me or has anyone else noticed how the world has succumbed to The Seven Deadly Sins?  The Bible tells us that these are the seven characteristics of Man that God despises the most.  Why then have we made them a way of life?

Sloth:  The number of benefit cheats and scroungers is steadily increasing.  Everybody wants something for nothing but nobody actually wants to work for what they have got.  The human race has become lazy in their work habits.

Lust:  The profitability of the Porn Industry is just one example of how we no longer control and repress lustful thoughts.  More and more people are living a life of promiscuity and sexual depravity.  We have become obsessed with fantasizing over human flesh.

Greed:  The want for material possessions has taken over most peoples’ lives.  Even those that appear to have it all still want more.  It doesn’t seem to matter how much we have, it is still never enough.

Envy:  We always want what someone else has got.  Our own jealousy stops us from celebrating other peoples’ success.

Gluttony:  The alarming statistics on obesity speaks for itself.  We have taken to eating more than we actually need to and then continue to eat more.  Our desire for food and bingeing has taken this sin to a whole new level.

Wrath:  We are controlled by our anger.  We lash out at anyone who has done us wrong and never stop to think of the consequences.  People will come to blows over the smallest of things, leaving death and destruction in their wake.

Pride:  We will never admit when we are wrong.  No one ever wants to admit to being a failure and so we just carry on making the same mistakes until the fall hits us hard.

So it would seem that over time we have turned our backs on the teachings of God.  Now we have become people who are lazy, promiscuous, greedy, jealous, fat, angry and worst of all proud.  We are actually proud to be all of these things.  The real question is:  Are you really happy?  God doesn’t just teach us how to lead good, clean and boring lives.  His lessons are about how to lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. The Seven Deadly Sins were written to teach us how to respect ourselves and others.  They are about learning to appreciate the things that you have in life and accepting that you can’t have the things that you do not.  Until we can learn to do this our lives will never be complete.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Proof That Britain Really is Great.

I take back everything that I previously said about Team GB not having the best athletes.  Once the medals started coming they just didn't stop.  There have been a few disappointments but the gold medals came in fast, accompanied by new world and Olympic records.  It looks like London 2012 has been the year of the Rowers and the Cyclists.  After her previous disappointment of disqualification, Victoria Pendleton certainly redeemed herself in the Keirin.  It will also be a long time before anyone forgets the performance that Jessica Ennis gave to win gold in the Heptathlon.  This has certainly been the best Olympics that Great Britain has had for a long time.  Even those athletes that weren't lucky enough to win a medal have done our country proud.  Let's hope that we can keep up the success and win a few more medals before the games are over.  GO TEAM GB!

Wednesday 1 August 2012

No One Likes a Bad Loser.

Olympic Rings on Tower Bridge.

Why does no one seem grateful for the medals that they are winning at the London 2012 Olympics.  It seems that many of the athletes who have only won bronze or in some cases even silver, are still crying just because they didn't get gold.  Now we have so called athletes being disqualified for trying to fix their results.  What is going on with the rest of the world.  Team GB, who are now 10th in the medal table having finally won 2 golds themselves (plus 2 silver and 4 bronze), would not stoop to such childish behaviour.  Is the rest of the world putting too much pressure on their athletes to win?  The British athletes train hard and do their best.  They do themselves and their country proud and if they don't win, then they suck it up and congratulate those that did.  Great Britain may not have the best athletes but we certainly have the best sportsmanship.  The rest of the world could learn a lot from us, like how to handle defeat with dignity.