Saturday 30 June 2012

Roll Over Beethoven

Am I the only person in England who can't play the piano?
 I was in London on Thursday where they have pianos dotted about in various locations.  It is part of some summer of music thing they have going on.  They are placed there for people to just come along and play and it seemed to me that everyone who did must have been studying for some time.  I must have heard about seven different people and not one of them was playing Chopsticks.  Wouldn't it be nice, if just one random person would sit down and pretend they could play.  I would much rather watch someone having fun rather than showing off.  On the other hand, there were some very talented musicians about that day.  Not one person made a fool of themselves, which was a bit disappointing in a way.  With the good music and the sunshine it wasn't a bad day out.  I just wish that I had the talent or at least the balls to have a go myself.
This guy was really good.

Friday 22 June 2012

Why Change the Exam System?

So they are seriously considering scrapping GCSE exams and going back to O Levels because too many kids these days leave school not being able to read or write.  This has NOTHING to do with the current exam system.  You need to be able to read and write to fill the exam papers in!  The problem with the current illiteracy problem is that young people are not focused enough on what's important.  They lack common goals and ambitions.  Most kids these days just assume that they will leave school and have everything just handed out to them on a plate.  They just think that they will go on a reality tv show or have everything they need handed out to them by the government.  The real problem is that they lack inspiration and the encouragement that they need to go out and grab life by the balls.  It is not the exam system that needs to be changed but the quality of the teaching.  Teachers need to spend a little less time out on strike, go back into the classroom and do the job that they were trained to do.  What happened to that generation of teachers who made it their mission in life to inspire young minds?  It is the lack of enthusiasm of teachers today that has added to an ever-increasing problem.  It is their job to educate and inspire so why are they not doing it?

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Was This Meant to be a Joke?

You know those silly little things that make you laugh out loud in the street, well today I definitely had one of those moments.  I was out on a delivery at work, when I overheard a couple of chaps who were doing some sort of survey about the town centre.  They asked the question: 'What do you think about anti-social behaviour in the town?'  The men they were asking it to were three old drunks, sat on a bench with a can of special brew each at eight-thirty in the morning.  It's just a shame that I didn't have the time to wait and listen to the answer.  I'm still trying to work out if they were actually being serious or just trying to prove a point.  Either way it certainly brightened up my morning.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Big Dog, Big Wimp.

Like Butter Wouldn't Melt.
Who was it that said big dogs are the bravest?  They have obviously never had a Jack Russell running around their ankles, like the one that used to yap at me on the way home from school.  I know a Westie that throws around cushions to show the postman who is boss.

  Today I met a Rottweiler that was afraid of its own shadow and a Chihuahua.  If you're looking for a decent guard dog, go for something small they've got more guts.  From my own personal experience, big dogs are usually just big softies.  It's the little ankle biters you need to be careful of.